How Dawn Bostick Applied the 3Fs to Restore Her Life and Positively Impact Women Going Through Similar Endeavors

When people go through dark periods of their lives, it can be difficult for them to believe that the best is yet to come. However, it is not always a bad thing to grieve. The trouble is giving in and letting the feeling consume them. Dawn Bostick stands as a shining light to guide women going through moments of uncertainty in their lives through her work as a speaker, author, and podcast host.

Dawn Bostick was born in St. Albans, West Virginia. She was raised as a military brat and was blessed with the opportunity to travel the world with her family. Dawn was fortunate enough to grow up in a culturally diverse background which she believes God used to hone a passion for touching the hearts of all people. As a published author and podcast host, one would assume that she had it easy, but the truth could not be further.

Entering adulthood, Dawn would find herself getting married and giving birth to a beautiful daughter. While one would get the impression that it would lead to a happy ending, life had other plans. The marriage would not last, and Dawn would have to walk through the tsunami of divorce on her own, losing everything along the way. However, she would pick herself up again.

Utilizing the 3Fs of Focus, Finish, and Flourish, Dawn restored her life once more and walked in her purpose. As she implemented the 3Fs, Dawn got creative and authored two books — Maggie the Milkshake Baby and Hello Beloved, both of which have been published recently.

Maggie the Milkshake Baby shares the story of an interracial child who struggles with her self-image. Throughout the story, Maggie slowly embraces her beauty as God’s ‘special blend.’ Hello Beloved is a series of love notes that Dawn perceived from the Lord. She wrote each note to carry words of encouragement and a challenge to strengthen their relationship with God. Her goal with both works is to encourage women of all ages to embrace themselves as God’s beautiful work and pursue a stronger, more intimate relationship with the Lord.

Dawn Bostick has always loved writing as it brings her joy to reach into the inkpot of her soul and translate what she finds into something that can be shared. “Writing heals,” she shared, and she believes that it also transforms her and leads her to a place of hope.

Following her writing pursuits, Dawn would start a podcast called Iconic Women, which offers a platform to amazing and iconic women as they walk out the 3Fs to influence and impact others’ lives. As the host, Dawn and her guests share their artistry, books, gifts, talents, and businesses with the world. She has also been using her platform to coach others to transform their own lives and impact the lives of others around them as well. Dawn coaches them to learn to love their lives, especially in the middle of troubling times, whether it is the pandemic, a divorce, mental health challenges, or other forms of grief and loss. 

Dawn Bostick hopes to use her position as an author, speaker, and podcast host to positively impact others, especially with the 3Fs of Focus, Finish, and Flourish.

Learn more about Dawn Bostick by visiting her official website.

Moving Speaker Dawn Bostick Empowers Women To “Focus, Finish, and Flourish”

It is far too easy to be distracted and wander off the path in a world decorated by material things and littered with persisting issues. Realizing how these unplanned trips could be detrimental to achieving success, international speaker Dawn Bostick is stepping in and reminding people to stay on track and journey towards accomplishment.

Although born in St. Albans, West Virginia, Dawn Bostick does not hold many memories of the place. As a military brat, she made countless trips with her family and, at an early age, was confident to say that she had traveled the world.

Thriving on change and finding the balance in every environment, Dawn found a love for being on the move and developed a unique, culturally-diverse background that allowed her to connect with varying audiences. Building on this skill, she explored her options and grew a passion for touching hearts and spurring people into positive action.

She became a best-selling author. As the brilliant mind creating the worlds within “Maggie the Milkshake Baby” and “Hello Beloved,” Dawn Bostick began to shape a community of forward-thinking, like-minded women ready to take a defining step towards their future. 

The community began to echo Dawn’s motto of “loving life in the now” and bask in the warm energy brought by the author’s favorite quote, “life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” As much as the women saw the writer as an inspiration, Dawn also looked to her audience as motivation.

Recognizing an opportunity to step in and shape a conducive environment for her following, Dawn Bostick stepped on the platform as an international speaker. She took the microphone as the host of “Iconic Women.”

“Iconic Women” is a promotional podcast designed to elevate women to go through the 3F’s of life: Focus, Finish, and Flourish, and walk into the reality of their dreams. Dawn established the unique system after a terrible divorce where she lost everything. Under the “Tsunami of Divorce,” the inspiring powerhouse utilized what she could to bring about restoration and rediscover her purpose. In the process of finding herself, she discovered her method.

On her popular podcast, a must-listen as defined by her global audience, Dawn features moving stories of women who made it out of less than ideal situations. Explaining further the discussions on her platform, the outstanding game-changer shares, “too often, we are so focused on the past or looking so far into the future that we lose the joy of the present.”

She continues, “women or men will benefit from being coached in the implementation of the 3F’s in their lives on every level as they are encouraged to Focus, Finish and Flourish to impact not only their own lives but the lives of others.”

Coaching thousands of individuals and empowering them into positive transformation has made Dawn Bostick a warm, comforting figure in her reach. Her stirring lessons and stories, whether on paper or through the microphone, have helped countless people learn to love their lives during the pandemic, a divorce, mental health challenges, and amid grief and loss.

Learn more about the heartwarming author and speaker who is changing every person she encounters. Walk into Dawn Bostick’s “Focus, Flourish, and Finish” process and step into purpose and success. Follow the influential creative and her work on LinkTree, Instagram, and Facebook

Charlsey Zyne: Empowering Women in a World of Men

Being a woman in a man’s world is extremely frustrating, and many women have to do twice the work to gain the credibility that men already have for being men. Any STEM industry would be an example of such a male dominated-field, but an industry where bias against women is most prominent is the sports industry. Charlsey Zyne is a strong woman with big dreams of success in the sports industry despite adversity.

While gender equality in today’s time is becoming more normal, and society is beginning to accept that women are creatures capable of independence and self-sustainability, there are still industries having trouble removing ancient cultures and practices. 

Charlsey Zyne considers adversity to be a common theme in her life. Adversity came to her in the form of injuries, as a former student-athlete, or the exasperating notion that women cannot be successful as sports agents, particularly in football, which is a “sport for men.” Still, like a spring, all these forces pushing her back only serves to launch her even further, and her desire to prove that women are just as competent as men is a fire that burns ever brighter.

There are so many preconceived notions that Charlsey Zyne has heard about herself and her gender repeatedly—women cannot be tough, they are too emotional, and women cannot be taken seriously in football. Charlsey is not one to be deterred by empty words from people who refuse to see the problem and who have no interest in changing the status quo. She will take her place among the ranks of influential figures in the sports industry by her own merit.

Her drive to become a sports agent comes from her days as a student-athlete at the University of Miami. She witnessed the hardships of college football players and the rough areas some players came from. For many of those players, making it to the NFL is their ticket into a better life, and it is what drives them forward.

Becoming a sports agent would allow her to help these athletes see their dreams come to reality. With the best interest of the athletes in mind, she hopes to become a trustworthy figure for these athletes.

Charlsey Zyne is currently working with the Dynamic Sports Group, an athletic representation firm whose primary goal is to guide their clients to professional and financial success in professional football, baseball, soccer, and hockey. Being with DSG has shown her the inner workings of how a sports agency works, and she is looking forward to continuing to take in as much as she can from some of the top agents in the industry.

A former student-athlete, current law student, future sports agent, and an entrepreneur, Charlsey Zyne has big dreams that she will bring to fruition by her own hard work and determination. She reminds people that there is no limitation to a person’s dreams, and dreams will come to reality only if you pursue it despite obstacles.

Charlsey Zyne has a list of goals, and she is setting out to achieve them one by one. Find out more about her by following her on Instagram and visiting the website for her clothing brand, Cultured Classics.