Dr. Marcea B. Whitaker Empowers Women with In Full Bloom Health and Life Coaching

As a physician with 25 years in the healthcare field, Dr. Marcea B. Whitaker is accustomed to helping people heal, recover, and restore their health and wellness. However, despite her successful career in medicine, Whitaker felt drawn toward a different purpose.

In 2019, she launched In Full Bloom Health and Life Coaching, helping professional women across the country unlock their full potential and realize their dreams. As a coach, author, speaker, and physician, Whitaker has a unique set of experiences that set her apart in the industry. Most of all, she has the ability to help women free themselves from self-limiting beliefs, unfulfilling careers, and damaging relationships.

“There is this concept of being trapped in a personal prison,” Whitaker explains. “It can be something in our relationships, it can be in our careers – it can just be how you’re thinking about things.”

She compares it to the television classic The Andy Griffith Show, when Otis Campbell would lock himself into the town jail each night – and each morning, he would unlock the door and walk out.

“That’s how we often are as women, we lock ourselves into this box,” Whitaker says. “But we have the ability to unlock it, we have the keys. So, I help people through that process.”

For Whitaker, an important part of her success as a life coach and public speaker is her willingness to share her own story. When other women understand what she has gone through, and that she was able to overcome it, they are more willing to seek the help they need, Whitaker says. Often, the first step can be the hardest one to take.

“I was in an abusive relationship from an emotional and financial perspective, and no matter how much you coach yourself, or you get coached, if you don’t deal with that number one thing that is pulling you down, you will continue to stay trapped,” Whitaker says. “I was living the same year over and over, year after year. And I had to say, in order for me to help somebody deal with their biggest struggle, I needed to attack and deal with my biggest struggle.”

Now, Whitaker is on a mission to empower women every day to both understand and overcome their biggest hurdles. By connecting with a professional life coach, she says, anyone can not only conquer their greatest challenges but do it faster and with less stress.

“Left to your own devices, your brain does what it does which is spin out of control,” Whitaker says. “You could be in it for weeks, months, or years thinking about the same things and addressing it the same ways. What a good coach does is help you get perspective, ask powerful questions, help you plan it out, and ultimately lead you toward an aha moment.” That moment when it clicks, when it shifts, when your life transforms. 

By doing so, Whitaker has helped thousands of women achieve extraordinary goals in their careers, relationships, and lives. As the founder of In Full Bloom Health and Life Coaching, Whitaker provides a dynamic 12-week group coaching program called Women Ready to Move Academy and exclusive one-on-one coaching for VIP clients. 

For women struggling with obstacles that seem impossible to overcome, Whitaker encourages them that they are not alone – and that asking for help can be the first step toward unlocking the door toward a brighter future.

“A lot of times we don’t ask for what we need,” Whitaker says. “So, we sit in this place of being stationary, being stalled, being stuck.”

Although asking for help is a critical first step, Whitaker says another common obstacle is not valuing “self” enough to invest in their most important resource: themselves.

“We invest in houses and cars, formal education, we invest in our kids,” Whitaker says. “But when it comes to investing in our brain, how we’re thinking, we believe that may be too much.”

Yet Whitaker believes that the transformative power of coaching is available to all women who are willing to ask for help and invest in themselves – women who are ready for positive change.

“Everyone can benefit from a life coach,” Whitaker says. “Coaching can change your life.”

Dr. Marcea B. Whitaker is a physician, author, speaker, and life coach. She is the founder of In Full Bloom Health and Life Coaching as well as the author of Marked From Birth, which will be released in May 2022. 

To learn more about Dr. Whitaker’s coaching programs, visit www.infullbloomhealthandlifecoaching.com.

To book Dr. Whitaker for a speaking engagement, please visit www.drmarceabspeaks.com.

Virus Problems on Your Windows Machine? Bittitaivas Say It’s Easy to Avoid

PC users tend to fall into one of two camps. First of all, there are those who refuse to click the safest link for fear of their PC descending into meltdown. Then there are those who take a more cavalier approach to PC safety and their personal data.

Thankfully, the resources available on the Bittitaivas website provide a more balanced approach to virus prevention. We’ve pulled together some of their top tips to keep your machine safe and free from viral issues.

Use One Antivirus Program at a Time

If one antivirus program is good, then surely two must be better? Sadly, this flawed logic can have the opposite effect to the one you were hoping for. When you have more than one antivirus program in place, there can be compatibility issues that could cause your computer to crash. 

Antivirus programs work by penetrating right through to the kernel, which is the core of the system. It needs to do this so that it can intercept data for analysis prior to it being processed by your machine. This way, it can prevent problems before you even know there was an issue.

When you have two or more antivirus programs running at the same time, they will both try to intercept the data within the same section of the system kernel. This is what then causes the conflict. As a result, neither program is able to block issues, or alternatively, the system just crashes.

Sure, you can have more than one antivirus software package on your machine, but make sure that only one is running at a time.

Windows Built-In Virus Protection Is Not Enough on its Own

Both Windows 10 and 11 include the Windows Security package known as Windows Defender. It has to be said that the security provided by this package is better than it ever has been before, and it’s definitely better than having nothing in place. However, it’s still not good enough to provide the degree of protection that users need against malware, spyware, and ransomware. 

The scans that the software makes also take longer than the commercial antivirus packages, and it’s not unusual for these to cause real slowdowns of your system. This is when frustrated users switch Defender off and leave themselves vulnerable to attacks. 

Don’t Think that Free Necessarily Means Poor Quality

If you’re on a tight budget and can’t stretch to antivirus software with a monthly subscription, there are some free packages that will provide you with more protection than Windows Defender offers. 

Remember to check review sites first and ensure that you’re downloading from the program’s website or a trusted source. The last thing you want to do is to install malware in your attempts to protect your system!

It would be foolish, though, to suggest that the free options are going to provide you with the same protection as the paid packages. Yes, sure, it’s a step up, but for around $5 a month, you can get a level of protection that will provide complete confidence no matter your surfing habits.

Try Free Versions Before Upgrading to a Paid Subscription

Have you ever downloaded software that your friends are raving about only to find it completely unintuitive and a general pain in the neck to use? That’s simply why we have so much choice; what works for one person and their system may not be a good match for the next person.

Virtually all of the subscription-based antivirus software packages offer a free version. Now while you’re not going to get all the features without turning over your hard-earned cash, you will get the opportunity to check that the software works for you. And importantly, you’ll also be able to assess whether the system slowdown that happens while scans take place is acceptable and check if there are any conflicts with other software you use.

Remember to Update your Antivirus Software Regularly

Internet scammers and those who design malware are continually coming up with new ways of infecting your Windows machine. So, unless you regularly update your antivirus software, it’s not going to provide you with the protection you need.

Many software packages have an automated upgrade process, so when you switch on your machine, it will automatically check that you have the latest version of the software. But, confession time, we’ve all been in the situation when we’ve stopped upgrades because we need to do something else, or we don’t want the hassle or lack of performance that a major upgrade can cause.

The issue is that as soon as you stop the download, your system is vulnerable to attack. Get into the habit of turning on your machine and then going for your morning cup of coffee. By the time you’re back, the upgrade will be done, and you’re good to go. 

How Dawn Bostick Applied the 3Fs to Restore Her Life and Positively Impact Women Going Through Similar Endeavors

When people go through dark periods of their lives, it can be difficult for them to believe that the best is yet to come. However, it is not always a bad thing to grieve. The trouble is giving in and letting the feeling consume them. Dawn Bostick stands as a shining light to guide women going through moments of uncertainty in their lives through her work as a speaker, author, and podcast host.

Dawn Bostick was born in St. Albans, West Virginia. She was raised as a military brat and was blessed with the opportunity to travel the world with her family. Dawn was fortunate enough to grow up in a culturally diverse background which she believes God used to hone a passion for touching the hearts of all people. As a published author and podcast host, one would assume that she had it easy, but the truth could not be further.

Entering adulthood, Dawn would find herself getting married and giving birth to a beautiful daughter. While one would get the impression that it would lead to a happy ending, life had other plans. The marriage would not last, and Dawn would have to walk through the tsunami of divorce on her own, losing everything along the way. However, she would pick herself up again.

Utilizing the 3Fs of Focus, Finish, and Flourish, Dawn restored her life once more and walked in her purpose. As she implemented the 3Fs, Dawn got creative and authored two books — Maggie the Milkshake Baby and Hello Beloved, both of which have been published recently.

Maggie the Milkshake Baby shares the story of an interracial child who struggles with her self-image. Throughout the story, Maggie slowly embraces her beauty as God’s ‘special blend.’ Hello Beloved is a series of love notes that Dawn perceived from the Lord. She wrote each note to carry words of encouragement and a challenge to strengthen their relationship with God. Her goal with both works is to encourage women of all ages to embrace themselves as God’s beautiful work and pursue a stronger, more intimate relationship with the Lord.

Dawn Bostick has always loved writing as it brings her joy to reach into the inkpot of her soul and translate what she finds into something that can be shared. “Writing heals,” she shared, and she believes that it also transforms her and leads her to a place of hope.

Following her writing pursuits, Dawn would start a podcast called Iconic Women, which offers a platform to amazing and iconic women as they walk out the 3Fs to influence and impact others’ lives. As the host, Dawn and her guests share their artistry, books, gifts, talents, and businesses with the world. She has also been using her platform to coach others to transform their own lives and impact the lives of others around them as well. Dawn coaches them to learn to love their lives, especially in the middle of troubling times, whether it is the pandemic, a divorce, mental health challenges, or other forms of grief and loss. 

Dawn Bostick hopes to use her position as an author, speaker, and podcast host to positively impact others, especially with the 3Fs of Focus, Finish, and Flourish.

Learn more about Dawn Bostick by visiting her official website.