How To Use Social Media Proxies To Grow Your Business

In the last decade, the overwhelming influence of social media made it a great tool for product marketing. Establishing a solid presence in social networks has become the best way to advertise a product. It is an extremely cost-effective way to reach out to potential customers and boost business growth.

Big companies can utilize social media to inform customers and keep growing their presence by posting important updates, future discounts, and collaborations. However, if your social media page is too small, posting and interacting with followers will not be enough to improve marketing and attract attention. Some companies manage to get viral a very interesting product and a little stroke of luck. Without an initial boost of followers, these social media pages barely have any marketing value.

Attracting popularity by buying ads or paying charismatic influencers for the promotion of your product is a common marketing strategy that yields decent results. But social media proxies are also good and interesting tools that can steer some social media traffic in our direction. Social media proxies can also be used to boost the popularity of influencers that promote your products and attract more natural traffic to social media pages.

To learn more about stimulated social media growth, let us dive deeper into possible social media proxy applications.

How to use proxies for social media marketing?

Creating and botting a lot of accounts is a common practice for brand promotion. Still, there is one serious problem. Instagram, Facebook, and other popular media platforms don’t like people creating dozens if not hundreds of fake accounts. If too many accounts come from the same IP address, it can get banned very quickly. Without a proxy, your address and all fake accounts get banned. Click here to learn more about how residential proxies can help you overcome this issue.

Simple residential proxies are usually used for data collection, but social media managers use them to increase the number of bots that share the content of the main page, as well as provide a boost to traffic. With good social media proxies, you can create dozens if not hundreds of fake social media accounts. Proxy providers offer deals with specific social media proxies which have no prior social media activity. Once anonymized these fake accounts can be automated and send huge traffic boosts to websites, influencers, or anyone looking to make Instagram’s users into their customers.

If you have too many accounts at your disposal, finding the best social media management tools, such as Buffer and Hootsuite makes data management much more efficient. Scheduled shares, posts, and updates drastically improve the life of social media managers. Pre-executing these tasks is comfortable and time-efficient. Test out the features of these tools to create your optimal setup. A well-managed and organized group of social media accounts can quickly scale your marketing capabilities.

What type of social media proxy should I use?

There are a few types of social media proxies you can choose from. Understanding them will achieve best results and protect your information.

Choosing a public proxy is the worst option, yet so many users only care about saving money. Free proxies have been used and reused so many times that it can be quite a challenge to find an unbanned IP address. You can spend hours in search of a good free proxy just to get blacklisted and all your marketing accounts banned. Also, public proxies are very unsafe and often set up to hack gullible users. Repeated use of free proxies allows third-party scammers to monitor and steal your data. Avoid public proxies at all costs!

Even the simplest residential proxy is a purchase that pays off very quickly. However, because this IP address might be shared with 2 or 3 people, there is still a slight chance that the address has already been used or banned. Dedicated social media proxies will always be your best choice because you can have a whole IP address to yourself.

Social media proxies for Instagram marketing

Instagram is a great social network to test social media proxies for marketing at scale. Some Instagram bots operate with several accounts at once, but because the platform punishes creation of too many accounts, they have to operate through a social media proxy.

Instagram can be very unforgiving, so only the best, dedicated residential proxies should be used for this task. A wide variety of various cities and countries to choose from helps to spread out bots, avoid detection, and manage hundreds of accounts without disruptions.

Proper usage of social media proxies with good account management tools can help you build an audience on any social media platform. Dedicated individual IPs are great at creating traffic, and increasing the relevance of chosen pages. A good social media manager can manipulate these tools to grow an audience and scale marketing possibilities.

