Da Silva Wins Presidency After a Close Race Against Bolsonaro

Luiz Inacio da Silva, better known as Lula, wins the presidential election this Sunday. He will be the country’s new president.

Bolsonaro’s bid for reelection was repulsed after months of ferocious campaigning when da Silva transcended him. The Courts imprisoned the left-leaning rival years ago. However, he went from being a detainee to the country’s top official in just three months. In the first round of voting a few months ago, da Silva conquered his rivals. But because he was unable to garner the necessary 50% plus votes. Therefore, a showdown between him and Bolsonaro ensued.

Lula received 50.9% of the vote, while Bolsonaro obtained 49.1%, giving the nation a nail-biting conclusion to the presidential contest. According to numerous polls, Lula would have a bigger lead. He did, however, gain support as the election drew to a close because he was ahead in every poll. January 1 will mark the beginning of the newly elected president’s official tenure as head of state.

Read Also: The Final Showdown Between Lula and Bolsonaro for the Brazilian Presidency

A red celebration for da Silva supporters

An advocate for the left-leaning rival, Victor Costelo, 33, expressed his satisfaction with the election’s outcome. Following the official election results that declared their president the victor, Da Silva’s supporters flocked to the streets. Many of them wore the color of his Workers Party, red. Costelo believed da Silva would win the election, and he remains hopeful for a pragmatic leadership change, given the previous administration’s authoritarian rule.

“I’m really happy. The next four years will be more hopeful for us,” he said.

Photo Credit: Diego Vara

Numerous supporters of da Silva became discouraged after the preliminary results and the administration declared a second round. A better outcome was hoped for. But if da Silva wanted to win the presidency, he needed more than 50% of the vote, which he only received slightly less.

“We came here expecting to have a party, to get very happy, to have some beers. But now we are going home just to sleep and wait for the next four weeks to see how they go,” said a supporter.

But now that da Silva has officially won the position, they revel. Nevertheless, although the election was generally peaceful in its conclusion, there were murders committed during the campaign. Bolsonaro supporters, in one altercation, slew four supporters of da Silva.

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World leaders send their congratulations

It has been a wild ride for Da Silva in politics. From 2003 to 2010, he completed two terms in office as president of Brazil. But after that, he spent the next 580 days in jail due to the graft charge. Finally, the Courts junked the cases against him in 2019, giving him another opportunity to be the nation’s leader. In the end, many people, particularly the left wing, backed him. World leaders promptly sent their congratulations to the new Brazilian president.

“I send my congratulations to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on his election to be the next president of Brazil following free, fair, and credible elections. I look forward to working together to continue the cooperation between our two countries in the months and years ahead,” said United States President Joe Biden.

“The people of Brazil have spoken,” said Trudeau.

