Following Favorable Midterm Results, Biden Sets out to Asia

Joe Biden, the president of the United States, will fly to Asia to meet with colleagues, including Xi Jinping, in person.

The dignitary readies for critical talks with his allies in the East. During his visits, Biden will concentrate on topics such as combating China’s intended expansion of influence, the war in Ukraine, and climate change. In addition, Biden anticipates a more significant crowd following his better-than-expected performance in the midterm polls.

“It will give Biden a feeling that he has maybe a little bit of wind at his back. Republicans look to have a margin in the House of Representatives. But, still, it was less of a loss than I think many had expected for the Democrats,” said Zack Cooper, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

His allies would be alarmed if Democrats suffered a devastating loss in the 2022 elections. Moreover, Donald Trump, who dislikes being “too nice” with other Eastern nations, seems likely to run again if Republicans control the House and Senate. Nevertheless, Biden has grown more assured in his ability to deal with the international community. This is due to the Democratic Party’s successful electoral performance.

“So, while the American voters don’t vote on foreign policy issues, there’s no doubt that this result will help Biden in his relations with the rest of the world,” said Ivo Daalder, US NATO ambassador during the Obama administration.

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Biden meeting the Chinese leader

Biden insists that his meeting with Xi won’t impact his approach to Taiwan. Following the trip to Taiwan by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, tensions rose. Though Biden promised to speak with Xi, the issue still has to be handled. According to Bonnie Glase, head of the Asia program at The German Marshall Fund of the United States, making amends with Xi remains difficult.

“They haven’t shown any will to do anything with this administration. Partly because they think this administration is implacably hostile toward them,” he said.

However, Biden made it apparent that the purpose of his trip was to place some limitations on the Eastern powerhouse.

“I’ve told them I’m looking for competition, not conflict. And so what I want to do with him when we talk is lay out what each of our red lines is. Understand what he believes to be in the critical national interest of China. What I know to be the critical interest of the United States. And to determine whether or not they conflict with one another,” the president said.

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Russia’s attendance at the G-20

During the G-20, the president will also appear to speak about essential problems affecting the global community. Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, isn’t expected to show up, though. But according to Biden, given how much the conflict has already touched the world, he would still advocate for an end to hostilities between the two nations.

“We will be unapologetic in calling out Russia for its brutal war. And we will also work closely with our partners to address the impacts of the war,” said a Biden official.

“We know the issues that the G-20 faces: the big themes of this meeting are energy security and food security. And those issues both, of course, touch on the war in Ukraine. So even if Vladimir Putin is not there, his spirit is hovering over the G-20,” added Melinda Haring from the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center.


