Simple Ways to Show Your Employees You Care


Introducing an element of care into the workplace is one of the most effective ways to boost employee morale and engagement. Showing your staff that you value their contributions, recognize their hard work, and take an interest in their well-being can go a long way toward creating a productive and positive environment. Here are some simple ways to show your employees you care.

Offer Career Development Opportunities

Offer career advancement opportunities like internal promotions or special training courses that allow your staff to learn new skills and take on additional responsibility. This allows them to improve their professional standing and shows that you care enough to invest in their future.

Support your employees’ individual goals and aspirations. Have conversations with each of your staff members to better understand where they want to be in their careers in the next few years. Encourage them to pursue higher qualifications, certifications, and other opportunities to help them reach their full potential.

Listen to Their Ideas

Taking the time to listen to your staff’s feedback, concerns, and ideas can show that you genuinely care about their opinions and want them to be part of the team’s success. Actively solicit input from each team member and ensure everyone knows their voice is heard.

This also allows employees to develop their skills and share creative ideas that could benefit the company as a whole.

Listening to your staff will help you understand where their strengths lie so you can delegate tasks accordingly and give them more growth opportunities. Additionally, taking time to actively listen to your employees shows that you prioritize communication in the workplace, encouraging an open dialogue that can promote greater team collaboration and productivity. Allow them to give their view on matters such as creative onboarding ideas for new employees or the adjustments the firm should make to accommodate everybody.

Recognize Their Achievements

To recognize employee achievements effectively, managers must take the right approach when organizing awards or rewards schemes. For example, customize rewards according to specific individuals and ensure they are meaningful. Generate recognition ceremonies by dedicating a day out of the year to celebrate your staff’s successes in a special way that encourages acknowledgments and appreciation from colleagues.

Managers should use informal techniques such as taking time to thank employees personally and congratulate them publicly on their success stories. The combination of traditional bonus reward systems along with flatter forms of recognition foster visibility creating an atmosphere where employees collaborate more efficiently and happily for job outcomes. Recognition releases dopamine in the brain, leading to improved engagement and creating healthy long-term relationships between staff and management, which can benefit both parties in the long run.

Provide Flexible Working Arrangements

Flexible work options give employees the autonomy to decide when, where, and how they want to complete their tasks. This can result in improved morale and job satisfaction, as well as increased trust in leadership. Work-life balance is also greatly improved for many people because of flexible work policies. These models allow for better time management beyond the traditional nine to five job.

Teams that usually need to be onsite can now collaborate virtually with ease through technology, enabling them to accommodate the needs of their teams more easily than ever before. Such tools can increase engagement by allowing workers to be more productive while accommodating their changing lifestyles. Employees who find themselves having to travel frequently benefit from remote work models as they can work freely as long as they have a reliable internet connection.

Create a Suggestion Box

A suggestion box allows employees to share their ideas and suggestions confidentially and anonymously, which can help to encourage more open and honest communication. Here are a few tips for creating a successful suggestion box:

  • Make it accessible: Placing the suggestion box in a visible and accessible location is crucial. This will ensure that all employees are aware of its existence and can easily find it. For example, you can place it in a common area like the break room or lobby, where everyone can see it.
  • Promote it: Once you have the suggestion box in place, it is important to promote it among your employees. You can do this by sending out an email or company-wide announcement to let employees know and encourage them to use it. You can also have informational posters or flyers near the suggestion box to attract attention and create awareness.
  • Keep it confidential: Keeping the suggestions confidential by not identifying the employees who submitted them will create a safe and inclusive environment where employees can share their ideas without fear of retaliation or negative consequences.
  • Encourage feedback: Providing regular updates on the suggestions that have been implemented and their results are important to keep the employees informed and encourage them to continue providing feedback. This will also help to create a sense of transparency and accountability and show that the suggestions are being taken seriously.

There are many ways to show your employees you care. Ultimately, showing your appreciation for your team’s hard work will not only improve morale but also foster greater collaboration, leading to increased productivity and success in the workplace.


Google’s new focus is AI after ChatGPT pressure

Google – The topic of conversation in online forums in recent months has been AI, notably ChatGPT.

Due to its high level of innovation, the well-known chatbot OpenAI has generated a lot of buzz since its inception in late 2022.

Google promises to provide something fresh to the table in order to compete with ChatGPT.

The company is aware of how popular the AI features have become since then.

The news

The Alphabet and Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, declared last week that the business will soon integrate cutting-edge AI technologies in the search engine.

According to reports, Google tested a few of the features last week with staff members.

The trials are a component of a “code red” strategy to take against ChatGPT.

The company’s new search desktop designs feature a chatbot dubbed “Apprentice Bard” that uses a question-and-answer approach.

“Very soon, people will be able to interact directly with our newest, most powerful language model as a companion to Search, in experimental and innovative ways,” said Pichai.

He was referring to a discussion utilizing Google’s LaMDA, or Language Model for Dialogue Applications, technology.

Pichai said that in order to receive additional feedback, the business will provide the extensive language model in the upcoming weeks and months.

The ChatGPT threat

The growth of ChatGPT concerned workers in December.

During an all-hands meeting in December, questions regarding the company’s involvement in the race to develop chatbots for consumer enquiries were raised.

They were reassured by Sundar Pichai and Jeff Dean that the firm had comparable functionality, but the cost might be high if something goes wrong because people rely on Google for information.

“This really strikes a need that people seem to have but it’s also important to realize these models have certain types of issues,” said Dean.

The issue of artificial intelligence reportedly came up repeatedly on Google’s earnings call for the fourth quarter.

“AI is the most profound technology we are working on today,” said Pichai.

The corporation is dealing with pressure on Google’s main advertising business as well as another threat from their longtime competitors, Microsoft, at the same time that AI is receiving attention.

Fourth quarter earnings

When Alphabet released its fourth-quarter earnings report on Thursday, it fell short on both the top and bottom lines.

After hours, the stock fell by about 4%, wiping off some of the 7.28% gains made during regular trading hours.

In relation to the 12,000 employee layoff announced in January, Alphabet stated it will incur a charge of between $1.9 billion and $2.3 billion (mostly in the first quarter of 2023) on its books.

In the first quarter, the corporation anticipates suffering expenditures of more than $500 million because of reduced office space.

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They also cautioned that other charges (related to real estate) might be brought in the future.

Alphabet missed Wall Street revenue and profit forecasts for the fourth consecutive quarter in its earnings report on Thursday.

The fragility of the advertising industry was also evident in an 8% drop in YouTube’s ad income and a further 2% drop in Google’s Search and Others revenue.


In addition to the financial issue, Google has been under pressure from the Microsoft-backed ChatGPT.

Web search is the company’s main line of business, and it has long hailed itself as an AI pioneer.

But generative AI solutions like ChatGPT may provide a challenge to Google’s approach to internet search.

The chatbot offers original solutions to difficult searches.

Additionally, Microsoft is thinking of integrating ChatGPT’s features into Bing, its own search engine.

More focus on AI

Despite stepping away from day-to-day operations in 2019, Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin took a keen interest in the initiatives as the prospect of falling behind in AI growth.

Along with the aforementioned enhancements to search, Google also revealed changes to its DeepMind financial reporting structure.

Since DeepMind is the artificial intelligence utilized, Google will be affected by the restructure rather than the Other Bets sectors, which include long-term investments in venture capital and self-driving technology.

For more than $500 million, Google purchased the London-based business in 2014.

When the business reformed as Alphabet in 2015, they subsequently placed it under the Other Bets division.

Two years ago, DeepMind made its first profit.

The reporting shift on the Thursday results call underscores DeepMind’s strategic aim to assist each end of its segments.

“To be very clear, we consolidate Other Bets into Google only when that bet supports products and services within Google or Alphabet broadly,” said Porat.

“That was very effective,” she added, referring to Chronicle, a cybersecurity company that rolled into Google’s cloud unit in 2019.

Sundar Pichai said that the business will offer fresh tools and APIs to enable partners, creators, and developers to explore fresh AI capabilities.

“These models are particularly amazing for composing, constructing, and summarizing,” said Pichai.

He clarified that he believes significant language usage is in its infancy, hence cautioned that it would need to develop gently.


CSX and 2 major unions find even grounds in agreement

CSX – Two railroad unions were successful in reaching an agreement on paid sick leave on Tuesday with the freight train corporation CSX Transportation.

The business ultimately decided to offer paid sick days to 5,000 CSX union members.

These are the names of the two unions:

  • The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division (BMWED), which represents engineers
  • The Brotherhood of Railway Carmen (BRC), which represents mechanical workers.

The news

The deal was announced by CSX’s president and chief executive officer, Joe Hinrichs, who said:

“CSX is committed to listening to our railroaders and working with their representatives to find solutions that improve the quality of life and experience as employees.”

“These agreements demonstrate that commitment and are a direct result of the collaborative relationship we are working to cultivate with all of the unions that represent CSX employees.”

The agreement

The two unions and the corporation have an agreement that gives employees four days of paid sick time each year, paid in full.

The two unions also emphasized that members are permitted to take three days of personal leave for sick days.

The agreement was further explained by Don Grissom, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen:

“We are extremely proud that BRC is one of the very first unions to reach this type of an agreement.”

“This agreement is a significant accomplishment and provides a very important benefit for our members working at CSXT.”

“The other carriers should take note and come to the bargaining table in a similar manner.”

The agreement, according to the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division, sets the way for employees to pay themselves from their 401(k) or donate any unused sick time to it.

The agreement was also explored with BMWED President Tony D. Cardwell.

“The other Class I railroads just reported extremely healthy earnings for 2022, many of which were record setting, and the Workers are the people responsible for those profits,” said Cardwell.

“Other than absolute greed, there is no reason why the other Class I railroads cannot enter into an identical paid sick leave Agreement with BMWED, or any other Rail Union for that matter, especially in light of what CSX and the BMWED have done today.”

2022 contract negotiation

Twelve unions and US freight railroads were unable to reach an agreement on paid sick time during contract negotiations last year.

Tens of thousands of train workers almost went on strike as a result of the contentious discussion.

Last year, the Biden administration stepped in and engaged in negotiations to convince eight unions to endorse the tentative agreement.

Four unions opposed it during that time.

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Returning to the negotiating table were the railways and the unions, but the threat of a strike caused the talks to break down.

The unions originally asked for 10 sick days, but eventually reduced their request to four.

The railroad corporations allegedly turned down the unions’ offer, however.

The rejection compelled a vote by Congress to enforce the contract on the four unions.

It prevented a disastrous economic downturn as a result, but it also shattered employees’ aspirations for paid sick leave.

A new frontier

The CSX agreement with BMWED and BRC ushers in a new era for American freight railroad firms.

The company claims they will keep reviewing the contracts with the remaining ten unions.

Only three significant freight railways remain without a sick leave policy at this time:

  • BNSF
  • Norfolk Southern
  • Union Pacific

A Norfolk Southern train derailed near East Palestine, Ohio, last week, causing a tragic catastrophe in Norfolk.

A potentially dangerous substance called vinyl chloride was hauled by the railway in 20 cars.

Residents in the area were forced to leave their houses as a result of the disaster while workers fought to put out the fire and contain the possible leak.

Almost every vehicle that had chemical leaks had been removed from the region as of Tuesday this week.

There is only one car left in the area.

The train’s engineer and conductor were unharmed.

Shell generates double profits from 2022

Shell: Businesses are in a chokehold due to inflation and recessionary concerns, making 2022 a challenging year.

Despite the difficulties, some companies, including Shell, were able to generate a profit.

The oil company enjoyed a prosperous year as a result of their significant revenue and rising stock prices.

The news

Sources claim that Shell broke a record last year by earning close to $40 billion in profit.

As a result of the war between Russia and Ukraine, which led oil and gas prices to soar, the values are more than double what they were in 2021.

On Thursday, the largest oil company in Europe reported adjusted full-year earnings of roughly $39.9 billion, a significant rise over the $19.3 billion recorded in 2021.

The record earnings were a result of the gas corporation’s strong success.

By midday, London’s stocks were up 2.6%.

In addition, about 40% of the company’s annual revenues came from Shell’s integrated gas sector, which also involves trading in liquified natural gas.

In the last three months of 2022, the unit produced roughly two-thirds of the $9.8 billion profit.

The outcomes, in the opinion of Shell CEO Wael Sawan, highlight the company’s competitive advantage in its differentiated portfolio.

Additionally, it demonstrates their capacity to give customers the energy they need during a challenging period.

Other players

Shell is the largest energy company in the world to most recently break records.

Every gas company has experienced gains as a result of the higher price of oil and gas.

This past week, ExxonMobil revealed record yearly revenue of $59.1 billion.

In contrast, Chevron reported a record profit of $36.5 billion last month.

New requests for higher taxes have been made as a result of the earnings.

Windfall taxes on oil industry earnings have previously been imposed by governments in the UK and the EU.

The funds will then be dispersed to assist poor households with rising energy expenses.

According to Shell, an additional $2.3 billion in taxes will be due in 2022 as a result of the EU windfall tax and the UK energy gains levy.

The biggest oil tycoons in the world paid $13.1 billion in taxes last year.

Shares & buybacks

Shell just began a $4 billion share buyback; completion is anticipated in May.

For the fourth quarter, the company has announced an increase in dividends per share of 15%.

Last year, the company returned $26 billion in dividends and buybacks to shareholders.

In 2022, Shell will invest over $21 billion, or more than one-third of overall spending, in low- or zero-carbon operations, according to Sinead Gorman, chief financial officer of Shell.

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The Renewables and Energy Solutions sector, which includes the following, received $4 billion of the spending:

  • Electricity generation
  • Hydrogen production
  • Carbon capture and storage
  • Carbon credits trading

The division of Renewables and Energy Solutions generated less than 5% of the group’s revenue last year.

It highlights how challenging Shell’s move away from oil and gas and toward lower-carbon energy is as a result.


Despite the fact that Shell is leading the movement to adopt lower-carbon energy, environmental activists criticized the company on Thursday for not acting quickly enough.

Mark van Ball created the shareholder action organization Follow This and made the following statement:

“Shell can’t claim to be in transition as long as investments in fossil fuels dwarf investments in renewables.”

“The bulk of Shell’s investments remain tied to fossil fuel businesses because the company doesn’t have a target to slash its total CO2 emissions this decade.”


In 2022, the business invested around $12.4 billion in integrated gas and oil exploration operations.

Sawan stated that in terms of its capital allocation for investments in renewable energy, Shell has struck the ideal balance.

He claimed that the company was on track to cut emissions from its operations in half by 2030 when compared to 2016 levels.

90% of the company’s emissions come from customers who use its products.

Shell wants to reduce “scope 3” emissions by 20% by the year 2030.

By 2050, the company hopes to have net-zero emissions.

Another protest

This week, Greenpeace protestors will oppose Shell’s hiring of a ship to move equipment across the Atlantic.

The equipment will develop the Penguins’ North Sea oil and gas field.

The group released a statement explaining how the protest intends to raise awareness of the harm Shell is doing to the environment.

When the protesters entered the ship in stormy conditions, worries about their safety were raised.

A statement was released in response by a Shell spokesperson.

“Projects like Penguins… help reduce the UK’s reliance on higher carbon and costlier energy imports,” said the spokesperson.

“Locally-produced, responsible oil and gas production is critical for UK energy security and entirely consistent with a net zero pathway.”

Image source: Fox Business