Retailers have Grim Expectations with the 2023 Market

The end of their fiscal year falls in January, a crucial month for many retailers in the market. However, according to industry analysts, retailers should exercise extra caution this month, as shoppers will change their spending habits to be more realistic.

When consumers visit establishments in January, they typically have gift cards with them. A retailer’s whole inventory is also depleted to be ready for the arrival of new merchandise for the coming fiscal year.

A recession is anticipated to start in January, which would also mark a turning point for the economy.

The better-than-expected Christmas results, though, have merchants and market analysts expressing their satisfaction. A slower and poorer Christmas shopping season was anticipated by market participants months ago.

Market sales increased 7.6% from November 1 to December 24, per MasterCard SpendingPulse. Business owners and other industry experts were happier to see that restaurant sales in November rose 7.1% year over year. Despite the cheery atmosphere, analysts predict this would only persist for a short time.

For instance, people’s credit cards could be maxed out, which might mean that purchases will be halted for a while. In addition, people’s savings have been reduced due to the expenditures they made over the holiday season.

Several merchants, including Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Kohl’s, Macy’s, and Nordstrom, indicated that in the weeks leading up to Christmas, foot traffic inside their stores decreased by about 3.22% compared to the same period last year. The present rate is 5% less than it was prior to the epidemic. Retailers are terrified by this trend.

“It seems like a lot of the brands are anticipating a bigger thud in January,” noted SW Retail Advisors president Stacey Widlitz.

According to Widlitz, several retailers have chosen to provide more gift cards to their consumers to boost sales over the holidays. Urban Outfitter, for instance, gave customers who purchased $200 or more 50 dollars.

Because there has been a slowdown for several months, she claimed that many firms use this tactic to persuade clients to purchase. In addition, due to more price-conscious consumers, other stores like Walmart anticipate an increase in sales.

“Sometimes these quarters work out where the very end of December and January end up being stronger when people are particularly price sensitive. So that’s kind of what I’m expecting,” said Walmart CEO Doug McMillon.

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Retailers prepare for another year

Economists are monitoring consumer indicators as 2023 approaches. Thus, statistics and other observations might support retailers in making operational choices that could increase sales or avert severe losses.

Furthermore, higher interest rates are anticipated as the Fed maintains its aggressive anti-inflation strategy. It might benefit the costs of goods and services if the Fed effectively limits inflation. According to official figures from early December, the increase in costs was less than they had anticipated.

“Cooling inflation will boost the markets and take pressure off the Fed for raising rates, but most importantly, this spells real relief starting for Americans whose finances have been punished by higher prices. This is especially true for lower-income Americans who are disproportionately hurt by inflation,” explained Navy Federal Credit Union corporate economist Robert Frick.

“The Fed could dismiss the better-than-expected October as just one month’s data, but the further slowdown in November makes this new disinflationary trend harder to dismiss,” added economist Paul Ashworth.

Retailers and customers continue to be concerned about price fluctuations in the market. Nevertheless, the fight against inflation is still uncertain. Despite the worldwide scarcity, food costs are still greater than they were in the past, and petrol prices have been out of control.

In addition, Widlitz advises consumers to be careful with their spending because significant credits should soon be added to their cards.

“Everyone gets through the holidays in denial, and February 1, when you get your [credit card] statement, or January 15, whenever it comes, it’s like, ‘Oh!'”

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Spending more over the holidays

Retailers were astonished by the number of holiday shoppers from Black Friday through the New Year. Retailers had naturally anticipated a lower demand. Nevertheless, they were shown to be mistaken as a crowd of people marched into stores to make their holiday purchases. The GenZ generation had the most turnout.

“One standout this Black Friday was the high turnout of Gen Z in stores. Younger consumers flooded the mall, treating Black Friday as a social event. They came early, they came with friends, and they came to shop,” said economist Kristen Classi-Zummo.

“Over Black Friday weekend, we saw shoppers of all ages but certainly saw a strong showing from a youthful crowd, and some of our strongest anecdotal sales reports came from top Gen Z brands and fashion department stores,” said Joe Coradino, CEO of PREIT, a mall operator.

“Promotions aren’t the draw for these shoppers. Instead, one in three shoppers aged 18 to 24 looks at social media first to do their shopping research,” added Classi Zummo.

“At the same time, this generation is also open to finding inspiration in other channels, including browsing in stores. And we saw that over Black Friday. So they will get the must-haves on their wish list, regardless of price, and maybe put back the nice-to-have items.”

“Mostly beauty items and electronics. Their top retailers were Best Buy, Sephora, Ulta and TJ Maxx. Gen Z and their spending, by and large, are all discretionary. They aren’t burdened as much by bills, so they’re not thinking as much about inflation and prices,” said Brian Mandelbaum, CEO of a consumer data company.

Photo Credit: Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times

Source: CNBC



