Kids in sports: how you can protect them and still let them have fun

Kids: Participating in sports can be an excellent way for kids under 13 to stay physically active, develop new skills, and make friends.

It can also help them build confidence and self-esteem and teach them valuable lessons about teamwork and sportsmanship.

However, parents and caregivers need to ensure that young children are appropriately supervised and participating in age-appropriate and safe activities.

Importance of sports for kids

There are many benefits for kids to participate in sports.

Some of the physical benefits include improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength and flexibility, and better coordination and balance.

Participating in sports can also help young children maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of obesity.

In addition to the physical benefits, sports have numerous mental and emotional benefits.

It can also teach them essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and goal-setting.

Participating in sports can also be an excellent way for young children to make new friends and socialize with their peers.

Participating in sports can be a valuable and rewarding experience for kids under 13, both in terms of their physical and mental health.

Parents and caregivers must encourage and support young children in their sports activities while ensuring they participate in safe and appropriate activities for their age.

Kids getting injured playing sports

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission released recent data showing that overall injuries from youth participation in football have declined since 2013.

Although it plateaued in 2020, injuries spiked back up in 2021.

The commission reports that more than a million kids were injured in sports bad enough to require a trip to the ER.

The data covers sports and other significant injuries from playground equipment and skateboards.

In 2021, children aged 5 to 14 were likely to get football injuries; there were 110,171 reported injuries in 2021 compared to 92,802 in young adults aged 15 to 24.

Meanwhile, soccer had 59,000 injured kids, while basketball had 79,207 injuries.

Concussion rates

Boys’ football has the highest concussion rates, with 10.4 concussions per 10,000 athlete exposures.

Girls’ soccer follows with 8.19 per 10,000 athlete exposures, while boys’ ice hockey had 7.69.

Although high-contact sports have a higher risk of severe injuries, even safe sports like swimming and track have a risk for overuse injuries.

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Dr. Stuart Berger, the division head of cardiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, warned that cardiac events could occur whether people play sports.

According to Berger, it’s crucial to screen cardiac events.

While kids are safe to play sports and exercise without worrying about cardiac events, it’s still important to do a physical, especially with family history, to find out who could be at risk.

“The concerns are that maybe there is somebody with an underlying abnormality,” explained Berger.

“The screening is designed to bring that out, and that we can identify, if possible, who those kids are.”

Families often cite head injuries as their major concern when their children enter sports.

Dr. Andrew Peterson, the clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Iowa, revealed that the bulk of kids’ concussions is sports-related.

However, he said there is no substantial evidence that a few concussions in childhood have any long-term impact on adulthood.

Peterson stressed that it is important to avoid reinjuring the head before the concussion fully heals.

“The thing we worry about most are these second impact events where people have a concussion on top of a concussion,” he explained.


Dr. Erin Grieb, the pediatric primary care sports medicine physician at Stanford Children’s Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center, agreed with Peterson’s sentiments.

She said that coaches, referees, and families should learn to identify concussions to ensure the kids are cared for.

Grieb said the signs and symptoms could include:

  • Headaches
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Mental problems like confusion or difficulty paying attention
  • Sadness
  • Anxiety

Concussions can be present in many ways, and some symptoms may manifest in one trauma but others in a different concussion.


Injuries are inevitable in sports, but there are ways to minimize the damage.

  • Ensure they wear appropriate protective gear, such as helmets, pads, and mouthguards, as needed for the specific sport.
  • Ensure they are properly conditioned and trained for the sport and do not overexert themselves.
  • Please make sure they are playing on properly maintained equipment and playing surfaces.
  • Follow the rules and guidelines for the specific sport to help reduce the risk of injury.
  • Encourage kids to speak up if they feel sick, tired, or in pain and seek medical attention.
  • Have an emergency action plan in place in case of injury.
  • Encourage kids to respect their opponents and follow good sportsmanship.
  • Consider the level of competition and the child’s age and skill level when choosing a sport or league.
  • Make sure the child is supervised by a responsible adult who is trained in first aid and CPR.

In almost every sport available, kids should be given time to rest to avoid injuries from overuse.

According to Grieb, athletes with head injuries need to take considerable time off to recover.

“You break a bone, I can put you in a cast and not let you use that arm. When you have a head injury, I can’t put your head in a cast,” said Grieb.

“You get one brain, so it’s really important that we let your brain heal.”

Continuing play

Despite the risks that sports pose for kids, it’s still an essential physical activity and habit.

Peterson says that regular movement is part of growing up.

Grieb added that it gives children leadership skills, life lessons, and, most importantly, fun, saying:

“If you’re focused on using proper techniques, you’re focused on following the rules of the game, and you have coaches and referees who are also engaged in that, then I think particularly risky sports can be safer than they have in the past.”


How to protect your kids when they play sports, according to doctors

Coach Mike Souza: A Love Affair With Basketball

Coach Michael “Mike” Souza, born in Staten Island, New York, is currently living in West Palm Beach, Florida, where he has created a career in basketball training. Working with ESPN Top 100 players, Collegiate, and NBA Pro players, he has made a significant stamp on the basketball market.

Coach Mike has always had a strong affinity and patience for helping people figure out and work through their problems. He also has what he has termed “an everlasting love” for basketball; for him, the courts were a home away from home and a place to escape. It would become a defining moment for him when he realized that these two things he was so passionate about could be combined into a career.

Coach Mike has worked with basketball players of all ages and levels. From John Collins of the Atlanta Hawks to Ersan Ilyasova of the Milwaukee Bucks, Scottie Barnes – who is a projected lottery pick of Florida State University – to Jahcobi Neath of Wake Forest University. He has also worked with Alonzo Gee, a longtime NBA player, and Nicky Jam, an icon in the reggaeton industry and a Puerto Rican musician.

With a wealth of experience from being a former High school Coach and a Player Development Coach at the college level – Mike knows what it takes to play at the next level. A significant part of his success is his proven ability to make players’ workouts translate directly into the game. He is known for his ability to study each player and accommodate their needs while building impactful relationships that last beyond the basketball court.

“Seeing players get results after working with me just gave me confidence and fuelled my drive to get better at my craft as a player development coach,” Coach Mike says.

Like most people, Mike felt the impact of the COVID19 pandemic as things slowed down and gyms were forced to close. Basketball is a physical sport, and practically, there is only so much that can be achieved virtually. Nevertheless, he continued giving value whenever possible – on virtual and social media platforms, he regularly shared his knowledge and love for the game, inspiring fans and players alike. By July, he finally returned to the court with his players to resume their training and careers.

Coach Mike is a dedicated trainer with a formidable skill set and extensive study of basketball. He considers it his mission to help others achieve their dreams, conquering what they set out to do—encouraging the development of a strong moral character and the commitment level necessary for his athletes to make it to a championship level of success. Mike understands each athlete’s needs and helps guide them along the path of success. Despite what he has achieved, he does not plan on quitting anytime soon. He sees himself working with players at the highest level during the offseason for years to come – helping anyone dedicated to honing their craft to perfection.

“Although playing professionally was not in the cards for me, my love for the sport has never died. I am beyond confident this is the career I was meant to pursue,” he shares.

He remains a highly sought out Skills Coach in the U.S and a private Player Development Coach for multiple NBA and International Pro players.

Learn more about Mike Souza by visiting his website.

Robert James Walls Jr. Gears Up for More Success for Coast to Coast Ballers Enterprises

The proper mindset plays a vital role in achieving success. Most people go around trying to make things work, but do not have the right mindset and approach to do so. This causes friction between them and their goals, ultimately failing when push comes to shove. Robert James Walls Jr. understands what it means to have the right mindset, and he makes sure to spread the word through his philosophies called “The Baller Mindset” and “The Baller Effect.” Both of which he will be releasing in separate books in the near future.

Robert James Walls Jr. was born in Brooklyn, New York. He traveled to the west coast to play college basketball. After one year of playing, he dropped out of college and established his own Basketball company instead. He dubbed his company Coast to Coast Ballers. It is a company that strives to be the global leader in organizing basketball events to bring communities together and bring out the best in the children and adults involved.

Coast to Coast Ballers has graced various publications. Its Basketball Division has been featured in the New Paper on the West Coast and its founder and CEO, Robert James Walls Jr., has been introduced on McGill Media on Facebook to over ten million people. He has also been highlighted in the Fast Company magazine for all of their successes. Coast to Coast Ballers has successfully organized basketball events for kids, high school players, college players, semi-professionals, and players with NBA talent in communities such as Washington and Oregon. 

In 2004 they started their first-ever Coast to Coast Ballers Basketball event. Under the guidance of Robert James Walls Jr., the company managed to grow and eventually established its own clothing brand called Coast to Coast Ballers Clothing. The company was featured in a prominent local newspaper in Vancouver, Washington, called “The Columbian.” In 2009, their official website was created. 

Ten years after their first basketball event, Robert James Walls Jr. created his second super company called Baller Gang Global. A year after that, in 2015, the company also built its own clothing brand under Baller Gang Clothing. In 2016, this venture created its first-ever Book Division and initiated its first-ever kids’ Christmas basketball event three years after. Recently, they have established yet another division called the Coast to Coast Ballers Online University.

Robert James Walls Jr. has become a certified public figure; he has managed to reach thousands of people on Facebook with his poster quotes that contain empowering and motivational messages, as well as his popular philosophies on The Baller Mindset and The Baller Effect. Currently, he is looking to push for more events by Coast to Coast Ballers. They are focusing on doing events in any city or country that needs more basketball events for children and adults that are both exciting and competitive. 

In the near future, his game plan is to make Coast to Coast Ballers a franchise with different franchising opportunities for communities everywhere to plug in his system so all people will have the mind, body, and spirit to be prosperous and live in abundance. Robert has done so many inspiring things with his company, and he plans to do more to help what he calls his communities coast to coast around the globe because he says he knows billions of people will see that we are all one big winning gang of beings on this planet when they tap into the baller mindset. Robert has achieved so much already, but it is clear to see that his passion will only grow stronger. 

The Coast to Coast Ballers Enterprises and Baller Gang Global CEO stated, “We all want to win in sports or in what we do in life or both. We all want to be the best or at least good at what we do. We all want it to be our time or feel how it feels to win in the things you love to do! But the difference between imagining the future and being the future is what you do to get there, and to get there, you must have the right winning, empowering mindset.” 

Check out the company’s website at for more information on his up and coming events, services, and products.

Cameron Mercadel Is Basketball’s Future Powerhouse

It has long been established that age hardly has any bearing to success. With the advent of technology that facilitates the visibility and brand reach of any aspirant, regardless of how old they are, today’s current landscape is not experiencing any shortage of young people who are making it to the top of their chosen industries. One such individual is Cameron Mercadel, a fifteen-year-old basketball phenomenon from Los Angeles, California. 

Serving as an icon of inspiration and providing testament to the power of hard work, Cameron Mercadel currently competes in an elite league where he demonstrates his hustle, excellent ball-handling skills, and an exceptional understanding of the game. To enhance his agility, strength, stamina, and speed, this young athlete usually trains for at least four hours every day. 

Growing up, Cameron Mercadel, known as “The Ankle Collector, has always had a basketball attached to his hip. The sport proved to be a mainstay in his life, and playing basketball was as typical of an occurrence as other basic routines. And he managed to hone his skills to precision because he has never been afraid to put in the hard work. From training to learning the nitty-gritty of this particular endeavor, Cameron goes all-out in his every move to become the best. 

The results, so far, speak for themselves. Already making waves on the court, Cameron Mercadel is heading to a high school varsity team and impressing countless people along the way. Furthermore, he has been featured in a docu-series about youth athletes, a release that has amassed over a million views on YouTube. 

And while he dedicates time and effort to become an ace at the game, Cameron Mercadel is also on a mission to document his journey in the hopes of inspiring other basketball lovers to pursue their dreams. Acknowledging the power of role modeling and setting a good example, this future basketball powerhouse wants other players his age to realize that with enough dedication and substantial practice, the dream of joining the National Basketball Association and becoming the pros they have always wanted to be can come into fruition. 

With his ability to make younger and older players better on and off the court, Cameron Mercadel aims to remain an inspiring force behind people’s pursuit of their goals. And this passion for pushing the growth of others is in line with his love of helping people and desire to put a smile on their faces. 

A force to be reckoned with, this young influencer, who has his eyes set on the NBA big leagues after he finishes his education, is involved in other initiatives that create positive impact and drive social change. Intending to address the hunger problem in his community, Cameron Mercadel started a foundation, and through this endeavor, it is expected that he would be able to make a difference.  

This basketball prodigy remains steadfast in his goal of getting better and seeing others become the best versions of themselves, as well. And by demonstrating how far hard work and dedication can take a person, Cameron Mercadel is proving to a household name in the making. 

Learn more about Cameron Mercadel by visiting his website and Instagram page.