The BioSport Way with Dr. Alex Stavrianoudakis and Dr. Leovardo Chavez, Doctors of Physical Therapy at BioSport Physical Therapy

Acclaimed physiotherapist Dr. Leovardo Chavez began BioSport Physical Therapy almost 20 years ago. Dr. Chavez had a vision for a set of clinics that could be an epicenter of learning for future therapists as well as the premier clinics for healing in the Central Valley. 

Dr. Chavez never stopped learning and always stayed on top of the newest research that came out in the field of physical therapy. In addition to his Master’s degree and then Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy, he completed a four-year internship program in Athletic Training at Fresno State, where he worked with acclaimed athletes such as Michael Jordan, Trent Dilfer, Michael Pittman, Jeff Weaver, David Carr, Billy Volic, Amanda Scott, Laura Berg, Pat Hill, and Jerry Tarkanian to mention a few. 

Dr. Chavez completed the highly esteemed Folsom Long-Term Advanced Manual Orthopedics Course specializing in Nordic Manual Therapy as well as becoming certified in Dry Needling and proficient in Spinal Manipulation through the Spinal Manipulation Institute with Dr. James Dunning from the American Academy of Manipulative Therapy. 

After 15 years of treating and growing his company BioSport Physical Therapy, Dr. Chavez was able to find the partner and co-owner that would help him realize his initial ambitions. Dr. Chavez had been interviewing many candidates in the prior five years to find a suitable partner that would help BioSport grow and who also believed in the values of BioSport, to serve with passion, continue learning, do what’s right, create an experience, and to have fun! It was at this time that he met and bonded with fellow Doctor of Physical Therapy Dr. Alex Stavrianoudakis

Dr. Stavrianoudakis quickly grew a liking to the BioSport Way and the one-on-one approach to patient treatment that Dr. Chavez utilized in his clinic. Dr. Stavrianoudakis was able to become a junior partner. After the two owners put their minds together, they were able to triple the growth of the primary BioSport clinic and grow a second one. 

Dr. Stavrianoudakis was mentored by Dr. Leovardo Chavez, following in his footsteps to also become certified in Dry Needling, Spinal Manipulation and receiving his Diploma in Osteopractic in 2022. Dr. Stavrianoudakis worked up to become a full partner with Dr. Chavez and the COO of BioSport during this time. 

Doctors Leo and Alex grew BioSport from two therapists and one building into three new clinics and over 12 therapists in total. Dr. Leovardo Chavez has now moved into the CEO role and has focused his attention on training his therapy staff on the BioSport Business Model and the BioSport Way. Dr. Leovardo Chavez and Dr. Alex Stavrianoudakis lead the charge in the therapy world by providing holistic, personalized care to help patients eliminate pain and improve their quality of life. 

Both Dr. Chavez and Dr. Stavrianoudakis only employ passionate therapists and push them to go above and beyond with their learning and patient care. BioSport will continue to grow as the premier physical therapy healthcare facility in providing holistic healing focused on exercise and manual care, such as cupping, scraping, spinal manipulation, and myofascial release. 

Through the mentorship of Dr. Chavez, Dr. Stavrianoudakis has become a leading specialist in the field of physical therapy, with a unique approach to physical therapy. Dr. Stavrianoudakis is motivated to heal his patients and revolutionize the current physiotherapy system, which currently gives patients ineffective cookie-cutter experiences. Dr. Stavrianoudakis has quoted: “Leo has taught me that individualized one-on-one care is the answer to successful physical therapy treatment as well as connection with the patients.” 

Since becoming COO, Dr. Stavrianoudakis has pushed to enhance the BioSport culture and create a team of passionate therapists to help the patients in the Central Valley by continuing to use the BioSport one-on-one approach. Dr. Stavrianoudakis has become the go-to physiotherapist for athletes such as MMA fighter Nick and Nate Diaz, Hyder Amil, the HeavyWeight Armwrestling Champion of the World Devon Larratt, USA cricket team members, and even the Chargers NFL team. 

Both Dr. Leovardo and Dr. Stavrianoudakis make sure all of their therapists and staff are equipped with meticulous customer service, which has become a trademark of the BioSport Way. These therapists create a bond that transcends the doctor-patient bond. “My gift is my connection with patients,” Alex explained. “I give my patient everything they need and the personalized attention they deserve. I will never give up on them and always be there when they need me,” he added. 

This bond has attracted other talent to the BioSport family. Just recently this year, Dr. Karandeep Gill became the first BioSport Physical Therapy Franchise owner, who now runs the BioSport Physical Therapy San Joaquin clinic in Tracy, California. As a result of BioSport’s growth, the BioSport Physical Therapy clinics boast an impressive clientele list and a massive social media following on Instagram/YouTube

Looking to the future, through the guidance of both Dr. Leovardo Chavez and Dr. Alex Stavrianoudakis, along with their new franchise owner, Dr. Karandeep Gill, BioSport Physical Therapy will further its mission of providing high-quality one-on-one individualized care to patients, and also progress as a learning center for the future elite physical therapists of the Central Valley.

Bill Gates’ Strong Speech to People

One of the most wealthy individuals in the world, Bill Gates, makes a moving address on climate change and how it will affect the future of children.

He expressed his worries in a letter he posted on his blog, Gates Notes. Gates, who is set to become a grandpa, remarked that as time goes on, he worries more and more about the future of the planet and the next generation. The baby of Bill Gates’ 25-year-old daughter Jennifer is due in 2019. For many years, Gates oversaw the funding of several initiatives that address global poverty, education, disease preparation, the battle against polio and AIDS, and other issues.

“I started looking at the world through a new lens recently—when my older daughter gave me the incredible news that I’ll become a grandfather next year,” Gates said.

“Simply typing that phrase, ‘I’ll become a grandfather next year,’ makes me emotional. And the thought gives a new dimension to my work. When I think about the world, my grandchild will be born into. I’m more inspired than ever to help everyone’s children and grandchildren have a chance to survive and thrive,” he added.

The billionaire asserted that the role of the present leaders in tackling climate catastrophe is crucial. However, it heavily depends on how the current generation of leaders develops and implements policies to assist us in achieving our climate objectives and targets as to how much influence it will have on the future generation.

“I can sum up the solution to climate change in two sentences: We need to eliminate global emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. Extreme weather is already causing more suffering, and if we don’t get to net-zero emissions, our grandchildren will grow up in a world that is dramatically worse off,” he added.

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A big fight, said Gates

However, Gates acknowledged that achieving zero carbon emissions will be a significant challenge. But he said that the climate objectives ought to be attainable in the following decades if governments worldwide engage in adequate systematic action.

Gates talked about how his charitable foundation got its start. He continued that leaders should understand the effects of the climate catastrophe on local communities and small-scale farmers.

“I can sum up the challenge in two sentences: Getting to zero will be the hardest thing humans have ever done. We need to revolutionize the entire physical economy—how we make things, move around, produce electricity, grow food, and stay warm and cool—in less than three decades,” he said.

“It starts from the idea that the poorest are suffering the most from climate change, but businesses don’t have a natural incentive to make tools that help them,” Gates added.

“A seed company can earn profits from, say, a new type of tomato that’s a nicer shade of red and doesn’t bruise easily, but it has no incentive to make better strains of cassava that (a) survive floods and droughts, and (b) are cheap enough for the world’s low-income farmers. The foundation’s role is to make sure that the poorest benefit from the same innovative skills that benefit richer countries,” the billionaire wrote.

Encouraging more businesses

Additionally, businesses that are turning green are supported by Gates’ firms. For instance, Breakthrough Energy Ventures finances emerging companies that aim to become carbon neutral.

In Gates’ opinion, the world needs to produce a group of entrepreneurs who prioritize becoming green to benefit the environment. However, gates acknowledged that he was powerless to preserve the planet. So he wants to inspire other business owners to adopt an environmentally sustainable mindset.

“Philanthropy alone can’t eliminate greenhouse gases. Only markets and governments can achieve that kind of pace and scale. Companies need to be profitable so they can grow, keep running, and prove that there’s a market for their products,” he said.

“The profit incentive will attract other innovators, creating competition that will drive down the prices of zero-emissions inventions and have a meaningful impact on emissions from buildings,” he added.

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The climate problem

The amount of greenhouse gas emissions is still tremendous. This shook environmental groups as well as the United Nations. Before addressing top international leaders, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stressed the need for polluters to take responsibility for their actions.

According to Guterres, these “polluters” must pay for the environmental harm they cause. However, by investing money in decarbonization technology, Gates is still optimistic that the world can find a solution.

“Unfortunately, on near-term goals, we’re falling short. Between 2021 and 2022, global emissions rose from 51 billion tons of carbon equivalents to 52 billion tons,” Gates explained.

“We’re much further along than I would have predicted a few years ago on getting companies to invest in zero-carbon breakthroughs,” he said.

“Climate change is another area where good news can be hard to find. We are still moving in the wrong direction. The global emissions gap is growing, and the 1.5-degree goal is gasping for breath. National climate plans are falling woefully short,” Guterres said on Monday.

“Of course, fossil fuels cannot be shut down overnight. A just transition means leaving no person or country behind. But it’s high time to put fossil fuel producers, investors and enablers on notice,” Guterres explained during a UN assembly months ago.

“Polluters must pay. And today, I am calling on all developed economies to tax the windfall profits of fossil fuel companies.”


CCDH: TikTok is Harmful

A recent study from the CCDH found that even minutes after creating their accounts, TikTok had a significant likelihood of exposing kids to information about eating disorders and suicide.

The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) released the study on Wednesday. Findings suggest that teens might be exposed to dangerous information on TikTok three minutes after creating an account. According to the study, a large amount of social media information promotes eating disorders and suicidal thoughts. The CCDH said that they learned of the potential after setting up accounts with a minimum age of 13 in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia.

While the accounts enjoyed articles on body positivity and mental wellness, there are still articles that promote hostile ideologies. Following contentious discussions between politicians who want TikTok to be outlawed in the US and TikTok, the report was released. The legislators focused on national privacy, arguing that China may exploit the data for its purpose.

“Two-thirds of American teenagers use TikTok, and the average viewer spends 80 minutes daily on the application. The app, owned by the Chinese company, Bytedance, rapidly delivers a series of short videos to users and has overtaken Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube in the bid for young people’s hearts, minds, and screen time,” said CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed.

“What we found was deeply disturbing. Within 2.6 minutes, TikTok recommended suicide content. Within 8 minutes, TikTok served content related to eating disorders. Every 39 seconds, TikTok recommended videos about body image and mental health to teens. The results are every parent’s nightmare: young people’s feeds are bombarded with harmful, harrowing content that can have a significant cumulative impact on their understanding of the world around them and their physical and mental health,” Imran continued.

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TikTok criticized the study

A representative from TikTok commented in response to the latest report, claiming there were errors. The amount of the sampling, the length of the test, and the process for liking and navigating through the video, according to TikTok, are all problematic. According to the spokeswoman, the CCDH is generalizing the subject matter and not the specifics of the film. For instance, a video about eating disorders may also tell the tale of someone who has overcome the condition.

“This activity and resulting experience do not reflect genuine behavior or viewing experiences of real people. We regularly consult with health experts, remove violations of our policies, and provide access to supportive resources for anyone in need,” explained the spokesperson

“We’re mindful that triggering content is unique to each and remain focused on fostering a safe and comfortable space for everyone, including people who choose to share their recovery journeys or educate others on these important topics.”

The US government’s cyber regulations will be followed, according to TikTok, which has consistently said this. To protect its users from hazardous information posted on the platform and detected there, the spokesman also mentioned that they would implement revised and updated security measures. Additionally, the firm is developing filters to better deal with and fight the items that encourage suicide and other dangerous issues.

Recommendations from the study

The CCDH developed many suggestions for TikTok to address the problems they believe are damaging to its users following each inquiry. A few eating disorder-related videos on TikTok, for instance, have received more than 13 billion views, according to the CCDH. Furthermore, these kinds of content emerge soon after opening a new account. In addition, users’ feeds now contain information on various mental health issues.

“TikTok must provide full transparency of its algorithms and rules enforcement, or regulators should step in and compel the platform to do so,” the CCDH report said.

“Dealing with eating disorder content within videos or using coded hashtags requires proactive, informed enforcement that leverages the experience of public health, civil society and academic bodies with expertise in this issue,” it continued.

“Legislators can change the incentives that shape TikTok’s business model by implementing our STAR Framework for social media regulation, which includes: Safety by Design, Transparency, Accountability, and Responsibility.”

“Until social media companies are liable for negligence in coding their algorithms, instead of hiding behind the Section 230 liability shield, they will continue to behave in a negligent manner that puts children and adults at risk.”

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TikTok content risks mental health

Due to the pandemic, TikTok, one of the most popular social media sites, has become more popular. The site is loaded with various material, including family, mental health, movies, travel, hobbies, and cuisine, with millions of videos posted by billions of users every day. However, the CCDH discovered that while the TikTok algorithm provides a user information relevant to his interests and pastimes, it would display other films in the users For You page that focus on mental health.

“What makes TikTok unique is that the For You feed and its algorithmic recommendations are designed. In the words of its maker, to be “central to the TikTok experience. But this also introduces unique dangers to TikTok as that same algorithm can recommend harmful content. It seeks to keep users viewing its content and the ads that earn the platform money,” explained the CCDH report.

“Content recommended by TikTok in our study shows that teens with interest in body image and mental health may face similar harms from a high rate of recommendations for body image and mental health content.”

“Most mental health videos recommended to Standard Teen Accounts in our study consisted of users sharing their anxieties and insecurities. In contrast, body image content appeared to be more harmful, with videos advertising weight-loss drinks and ‘tummy tuck’ surgeries to accounts with a stated age of 13.”



Avatar 2 Slated for a Record-Breaking Release

This week marks the debut of the Disney film Avatar: The Way of Water and analysts predict record-breaking domestic ticket sales of at least $150 million.

Since the first movie broke box office records, more than ten years have passed. And the Avatar movie by James Cameron continues to hold the record for the largest box office take in cinematic history.

It will, however, only be a matter of time until we learn whether the smash movie’s sequel will live up to the hype. Avatar: The Way of Water might make about $175 million in its first week, coming up short of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” which made about $187 million when it debuted in May.

“In the big picture, I’d expect a leggy box office run whose story won’t be told on opening weekend alone. This is not a comic book blockbuster with an apparent rabid fan base to front-load sales. James Cameron’s films have historically engaged general audiences deep into their theatrical windows. However, it’s worth considering that the box office climate has changed even since his previous Avatar film in 2009,” said Shawn Robbins, chief media analyst.

The original Avatar movie could have had a better start. In 2009, its first week’s earnings were barely $77 million. Nevertheless, the movie kept playing in theaters and became more popular over time. Ultimately, it ran for 234 days in US theaters and other countries.

The film made a total of $760 million in the US and an additional $2 billion in foreign sales. Cinema firms predict that until February, Avatar: The Way of Water will only face a few formidable rivals. Therefore, it could follow the same course as its forerunner.

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A breakeven for Avatar: The Way of Water

The immersive experience for viewers will be improved by the availability of Avatar: The Way of Water in 3D. However, the movie’s distribution style will be a key component in selling it to the general public, say experts.

Disney and Cameron’s marketing for the second Avatar film stressed the importance of viewing it in 3D. If fans want to watch the movie in IMAX, ticket costs will be higher than usual. Cameron said that for the Avatar film to profit, it must shatter previous box office records. To achieve $2 billion internationally.

“I like difficult. I’m attracted by difficulty. Difficult is a fucking magnet for me. So I go straight to difficult. And I think it probably goes back to the idea that many smart, gifted, talented filmmakers out there just can’t do the difficult stuff. So that gives me a tactical edge to do something nobody else has ever seen because the gifted people don’t fucking want to do it,” said Cameron.

EntTelligence reports that 56% of the tickets sold for Avatar: The Way of Water’s first weekend were 3D tickets. As a result, the movie will earn more money overall. In contrast to a previously released movie, just 17% of the first-week ticket sales for Marvel’s “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” were for 3D watching. Tickets for the movie in 3D start at $16.50, while 2D versions cost $12.50 apiece.

Airing in China

The Avatar movie’s acceptance to air in China is one of its best conditions. With billions of viewers, Disney anticipates making a profit from Chinese viewers. The original Avatar film brought in about $265 million from Chinese audiences.

However, the current issue is that Beijing and other Chinese commercial centers are on lockdown because of the recent spike in Covid-19 cases. But many are surprised since, except for Avatar, China has been preventing the release of many Hollywood films there.

“Chinese audiences have a strong appetite for the sequel. On leading ticketing app Maoyan, 1.24 million users had said they “want to see” The Way of Water, slightly more than those who indicated likewise before the release of China’s biggest 2021 film, The Battle at Lake Changjin, which earned $899 million,” wrote Patrick Brzeski.

“It’s very hard to predict the box office right now. It all depends on the lockdowns — and we have no idea exactly what the lockdown situation is going to look like across the whole of China next week,” explained Jimmy Wu, Lumiere Pavilions CEO.

“Then again, James Cameron has beaten the odds in China before. Among Chinese millennials, few titles are as stirringly nostalgic as the first Avatar. The movie was among the first wave of Hollywood blockbusters to sweep the country as it was entering its high-growth box office boom era of the late aughts — and Avatar became the biggest sensation of them all,” added Brzeski.

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The Chinese market

According to several Chinese theater professionals, The Way of Water may receive comparable backing to the previous film. The first Avatar film did not enjoy great popularity when it premiered. However, as soon as people began to watch it, it became popular and made millions, eventually accounting for a sizable portion of its worldwide sales.

“Despite record snowfall and bitter cold, “Avatar” burned up China’s box office, earning about 35 million yuan ($5 million) Monday to set a record for a weekday opening here,” wrote Jonathan Landreth.

“The 22nd-century sci-fi movie could be on its way to confirming China as the 21st century’s second-highest-grossing territory for Hollywood blockbusters outside the US.”

“Although nearly a foot of snow blanketed China’s capital on Sunday and James Cameron’s $1 billion global box-office hit didn’t premiere here until midnight that night. Moviegoers still lined up in near-zero temperatures for half-price 40 yuan tickets ($5.85) and sold out the show at the Sanlitun Megabox theater.”