What Makes a Successful Real Estate Developer?

If you are an investor considering investing in real estate, you might wonder what makes someone a successful real estate developer. Is it the number of real estate developments they have completed? Is it the quality of their work? Is it their ability to think outside the box regarding architecture and design? Or is it something else entirely? Let’s take a look at some of the key components that make up a successful real estate developer.

The Right Experience

Experience is absolutely invaluable when it comes to real estate development. A successful developer must understand all the nuances of real estate development, from zoning laws to market trends. They need to have experience navigating through difficult negotiations and understanding how different elements come together for a project to move forward successfully. This experience can only be gained by doing it, so be sure to research a developer’s track record before investing in any project they are working on. If you are considering real estate investment, find a mentor willing to share her experience and network.

Architectural Vision and Design Skills

Having an eye for design is essential for any successful real estate developer. After all, people will only invest in properties that appeal to them visually and emotionally. A good developer needs to have an understanding of architectural principles, as well as an eye for color, texture, and scale. They should be able to create aesthetically pleasing spaces that will draw people in and make them want to stay.

A Commitment to Quality

Successful real estate developers need more than experience and vision; they also need commitment and dedication. The best developers focus on creating quality housing developments that stand out from the rest. They prioritize craftsmanship over cost-cutting measures, ensuring every detail is perfect before handing over the keys. In a recent interview in Architectural Digest, real estate developer William Collins says quality construction takes time, but it pays off in terms of resale value down the road.

Giving Back To The Community

Finally, one of the most important elements of being a successful real estate developer is giving back to the community where projects are located. Frank Starkey, a real estate developer in Florida, says it’s not just about making money; it’s also about creating communities where people want—and can afford—to live comfortably with access to parks, schools, public transportation, etc. Developers who strive to build mixed-income neighborhoods where everyone can benefit are often seen as more responsible citizens than those who focus on profit margins alone.

In conclusion, many elements make up a successful real estate developer, including experience, artistic vision, design skills, commitment to quality construction practices, and giving back to local communities where projects are located. Ultimately, each investor has their own definition of success – so do your research before investing in any real estate project! Good luck!

Goldman Sachs makes massive investment in Black women-owned businesses

Goldman SachsLeading global financial institution Goldman Sachs has taken its mission to new heights with a massive investment.

The company is investing more than $2.1 billion into Black women-owned businesses and nonprofits in the One Million Black Women program.

The program

Asahi Pompey, the global head of corporate engagement and president of the Goldman Sachs Foundation, released a statement regarding the program.

“Goldman Sachs is sending a powerful signal into the marketplace around Black women and saying there has been a misalignment of capital, in terms of capital dedicated to this group,” said Pompey.

“We’re seeking to change that by putting our capital where our mouth is.”

One Million Black Women was launched in March 2021 to positively impact the lives of 1 million Black women by 2030.

Goldman Sachs committed $10 billion in investment capital and $100 million in philanthropic capital.

The investments are focused on access to the following:

  • Affordable housing
  • Capital
  • Digital connectivity
  • Education
  • Financial health
  • Job creation
  • Workforce creation

“Turbo boosting Black women entrepreneurs is a key part of the work that we do,” said Pompey. “We know they create jobs.”

“When a Black woman entrepreneur is able to grow her business, she employs Black people in that community, she’s a leader in that community, she mentors individuals in that community.”

“The ripple effect of investing in a Black woman entrepreneur is tremendous.”

Milestone and deployment

On Monday, the group convened with its advisory council, which includes the following:

  • Obama Foundation CEO Valerie Jarrett
  • Walgreens Boots Alliance CEO Roz Brewer
  • Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
  • Actress and producer Issa Rae
  • National Urban League President Marc Morial

The group announced its $2.1 billion milestone and the $23 million in philanthropic capital to assist an estimated 215,000 Black women.

“When Black women succeed, America succeeds,” said Jarrett.

“You bet on Black women, that is a good bet. Goldman Sachs recognizes that and that Black women have a track record of delivering.”

According to Jarrett, the project isn’t just an investment capital.

“It’s a holistic approach,” she said.

“What we are able to do uniquely is first to listen, meet people where they are, figure out what those needs are and then provide the resources and the expertise to help women thrive.”

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Closing the gender wealth gap

Goldman Sachs economists found that investing in Black women is the most effective way to close the racial wealth gap.

The gap describes the imbalance in wealth between Black and white households in the United States.

According to William Darity Jr, the director of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University, the gap is estimated to be around $14 trillion.

Goldman Sachs economists said that closing the gender pay gap for Black women could increase domestic product, going from $300 billion to $450 billion and creating around 1.2 million and 1.7 million jobs in the country.

“The past two years have confirmed a key insight of our research,” said Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon during the advisory meeting.

“By investing in businesses that help Black women advance, we can build a strong economy for everyone.”

“Our firm has a long history of supporting economic empowerment and we’re proud that One Million Black Women is already making a difference.”

New York funding

Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, attended the meeting for updates on One Million Black Women initiatives the city has collaborated with.

Among their initiatives is a $75 million investment in the NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund, which is designed to fund Black female entrepreneurs.

“We get this right, we will stop feeding the other issues,” said Adams. “Sometimes we stay in crisis mode instead of planning mode.”

“What these women are doing about childcare issues, healthcare issues, support to build businesses will prevent things from turning into a crisis. That’s why we wanted to be here.”

According to Dina Powell McCormick, Goldman Sachs’ global head of sustainability and inclusive growth, launching One Million Black Women during the pandemic led to a unique challenge.

“You are seeing a huge focus now on using the lessons learned from the digital divide and turning that into a huge opportunity,” said McCormick.

“We see what we learned all these years reaching a critical mass now to invest in this program.”

Goldman Sachs is launching a program to support and provide resources for Black female solo entrepreneurs called “OMBW: Black in Business.”


Black entrepreneurs endured 45% venture capital drop last year

Black entrepreneursEntrepreneurship has always been a challenging endeavor, even more so for people of color.

Through the decades, black entrepreneurs have struggled to secure funding.

Instead, many rely on venture capital financing that’s earmarked for diverse founders.

Although many succeeded, Black founders and Black-led business entities have endured disparities over the years regarding acquiring VC funding.

Generally, Black entrepreneurs receive less than 2% of total VC dollars annually.

Meanwhile, Black women-led companies receive less than 1%.

VC funding drop

Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020 and the racial justice that followed, 2021 brought historic gains for Black founders and Black-led startups regarding securing VC funding.

By the end of 2022, the momentum around the movement slowed, and market conditions took a turn for the worst, losing most of the gains.

According to Crunchbase data, overall VC funding dropped 36% last year amid inflation and surging interest rates.

However, Black businesses endured a steeper drop (45%), the most significant year-over-year decrease Black entrepreneurs suffered in the past ten years.

Kyle Stanford, a Pitchbook senior analyst, said:

“There were a lot of political and cultural strife problems in 2020 and early 2021 that created a higher focus on Black and diverse founders.”

“No one wants that to be the reason why they focus on investing in any group, but that did put a lot of focus on the problems that the VC has had investing in anyone outside of a straight white male.”

Meanwhile, Marlon Nichols of MaC Venture Capital said diverse businesses usually take the worst of the VC slowdowns due to firms resorting to the circumstances of economic turmoil.

“We’ve always invested in white men and that’s what we’re going to do right now. That’s where we’re comfortable,” said Nichols, a Black entrepreneur.

“That’s where we know and believe that we’re going to get the return.”

“This diversity thing is cool, we’ll pick it back up maybe, you know, once we’ve weathered this storm.”

The Honey Pot Company

Beatrice Dixon is the CEO and co-founder of the vaginal-wellness brand The Honey Pot Company.

She was faced with the challenge of launching her brand in 1,100 stores.

By 2016, Dixon secured a Target deal but had to find a solution to scale up from making her products in her kitchen.

She found her answer in the New Voices Foundation, a fund that supports women entrepreneurs of color. 

The financing, along with the help of friends and family, allowed her to quit her job and move the operations, launching her brand in Target stores in 2017.

Since then, it has become a staple in retailers.

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“It was really hard, man, we weren’t having any luck,” said Dixon. “I don’t know what would have happened if we didn’t get that money.”

“It was hard. Us being Black-owned business founders, was it harder? Sure, it probably was,” she continued.”

“I think every time we raised money, we had trouble doing it, you know, but I think that the important context to put there is that anybody that raises money, it’s not going to be easy.”

Although Nichols doesn’t invest solely in diverse businesses, he’s more likely to compared to others due to MaC Venture Capital being led by a diverse team rather than the typical all-white men team.

“The investors are primarily white and male and usually come from affluent communities, which means that they have very specific experiences and have been exposed to very specific things and are comfortable with very specific things,” said Nichols.

Ladi Greenstreet, CEO of Diversity VC, pointed out that many firms find investing in founders from diverse backgrounds is risky due to the entrepreneurs coming from a norm they’re not accustomed to.

Diversity as a priority

Following George Floyd’s murder in 2020, central banks and investment firms highlighted that they would prioritize diversity.

Despite their pledges, the 2022 funding drop-off seemed to show that the promises were temporary charities, not investments.

“When you take venture capital financing the expectation is that, you know, you have a partner now, if you reform, your partner is going to continue to back you, they’re going to help you to raise that next round of funding, right?” said Nichols.

White-led teams have no expectations of recipients being extraordinary in their early years of operations for follow-on funding.

However, Marion Nichols pointed out that the bar is higher for Black entrepreneurs.

“For most of these Black founders, that’s exactly like the expectation, you’ve got to be extraordinarily exceptional in order to get additional capital,” explained Nichols.

“And if you’re truly treating this like all investments that you make, then that shouldn’t be the case.”

A gamble

SoGal Ventures is a VC firm dedicated to supporting diverse entrepreneurs and women.

Under the leadership of co-founder Pocket Sun, it has helped multiple startups that grew to values of over $1 billion.

“From a financial investment perspective, this remains a huge blue ocean for people to dive in,” said Sun. “Venture capital is a very privileged and exclusive industry, and has always been that way.”

“And it has such disproportionate decision-making power on the future of technology, the future of innovation, the future of quality of life in many ways.”

According to John Roussel of Colorwave, although investing in diverse teams is viewed as a moral imperative, studies show it can lead to higher returns for investors.

“And somehow, we’re still stuck in this situation where we’re trying to convince people of that,” said Roussel.

“It really takes, you know, strong players taking a lead and showing people that there is opportunity here and there is generally the same success rates regardless of someone’s skin color.”

“Clearly, it’s safe to bet on Black business,” said Beatrice Dixon, pointing to her success.

“My skin color shouldn’t be part of the conversation, period. And yet, it still is, right?”

OpenAI to continue partnership with Microsoft in 3rd deal

OpenAI: Major businesses invest in AI because it can enhance operations, provide them a competitive edge, and boost revenue.

To evaluate massive volumes of data, discover patterns, and predict outcomes, AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing may be utilized.

This may assist businesses in making better decisions, automating processes, and developing new services and products.

AI could also help businesses cut expenses, improve productivity, and customize client experiences.

Companies can remain ahead of the competition and expand their businesses by investing in AI.

The tech industry has been increasingly successful over the last ten years, with an increased emphasis on AI.

Microsoft has announced another significant investment in ChatGPT-maker OpenAI.

The news

Microsoft said on Monday that it has chosen to partner with OpenAI in a new multibillion-dollar investment.

The tech powerhouse claims that the ongoing partnership would speed up AI development and enable the two organizations to commercialize cutting-edge technology.

Satya Nadella wrote about the agreement in a blog post.

“We formed our partnership with OpenAI around a shared ambition to responsibly advance cutting-edge AI research and democratize AI as a new technology platform.”

The investment enables Microsoft and OpenAI to explore supercomputing in greater depth and introduce fresh AI-powered experiences.

Past partnership

It was reported in July 2019 that Microsoft invested in OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence research organization, with the intention of creating and supporting benevolent AI.

Microsoft and OpenAI established a partnership as part of the investment in order to advance and market the latter’s AI platform and technology.

As a result of the collaboration, OpenAI created and unveiled OpenAI GPT-3, a massive neural network-based language model, as a new iteration of its AI platform.

GPT-3 was incorporated into Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform and made accessible to developers through Azure Cognitive Services, enabling them to enhance their apps using AI.

Through this collaboration, Microsoft will be able to incorporate OpenAI’s cutting-edge AI technology into its products and services, enhancing its competencies and boosting its ability to compete in the AI industry.

The collaboration also gives OpenAI access to Microsoft’s extensive resources, including the Azure cloud computing platform, which will hasten the innovation and commercialization of its AI technology.

The AI

A non-profit AI research organization called OpenAI seeks to create and advance friendly AI in a way that is advantageous to all people.

Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba, and John Schulman founded the company in December 2015.

Several AI-related fields, such as machine learning, data analysis, and natural language processing, are the subject of study at OpenAI.

To aid researchers and developers in advancing the area of AI, the business also creates and makes available open-source AI tools, software, and models.

Additionally, OpenAI promotes public discourse and education on the implications and possible effects of AI on society.

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Language model

A pre-trained language model called ChatGPT was created by OpenAI.

It is built on the GPT architecture, a kind of language model that uses neural networks and has been trained on a sizable corpus of text.

The algorithm has been tweaked to produce writing that is conversational and human-like.

It may be adjusted or utilized to carry out natural language processing operations including question answering, language translation, and text summarization.

ChatGPT is made to be extremely effective, simple to use, and able to produce writing that sounds human.

Developers may include natural language processing skills into their apps without having to train their own model thanks to OpenAI’s GPT-3 model, which is accessible as an API.

Debut and reception

In 2019, OpenAI released ChatGPT, a refined iteration of the GPT-2 language model.

The model is more suited to producing text that sounds like human speech in a conversational situation since it was trained on a collection of conversational text.

When it first came out, ChatGPT attracted praise for its capacity to produce text that sounds like human speech, making it suited for a variety of chatbot, virtual assistant, and language translation applications.

Another key benefit mentioned was the model’s ability to be fine-tuned so that it may be customized for certain use cases.

The general response to ChatGPT was good, with many academics and developers applauding its capacity to produce text that reads like human speech and its adaptability for a range of NLP applications.

However, several opponents expressed alarm about the potential for technological abuse and the moral ramifications of utilizing AI to produce language that sounds human.

Dubai Investment Fund is Expanding Its Operations in Cyprus, New Zealand and The Czech Republic

We recently learned that the Dubai Investment Fund (DIF) is expanding its operations in New Zealand, the Czech Republic and Cyprus. The company will develop its presence in these countries by opening offices to reach more businesses and gain broader market access. 

The first of these offices opened in Prague, Czech Republic, in August, to be followed by offices in Wellington, New Zealand, and Nicosia, Cyprus, by mid-September. Employees can choose to work from home, in the office, or in a hybrid mode that combines remote work and travel to the office. 

According to our observations of DIF’s development in the recent years, and as has happened repeatedly in some regions, operations in the Czech Republic and Cyprus will focus primarily on real estate, tourism, finance and artificial intelligence. The New Zealand office will focus on new projects in environmental, social and governance issues, as well as green energy and healthcare. 

In addition to traditional operations, the company also plans to invest in solar energy projects and pioneering biomedical ventures in New Zealand. These pioneering biomedical projects will explore different methods of combining artificial intelligence with modern medical advances. This endeavor is the result of years of interdisciplinary research in collaboration with leaders in the field of artificial intelligence. The company also has offices in Dubai, London, Sydney, Mumbai, Tokyo, New York, Frankfurt, Zurich, Quebec, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Seoul, Milan, Singapore, Luxembourg, Shanghai and Barcelona.  With three new offices, the total number of countries served by the company has grown to twenty. 

The company’s headquarters are invariably located in Dubai, and has a staff of 2,600 people. As of this writing in September 2022, in addition to Dubai, DIF’s most strategic offices are in New York, London, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Hong Kong and Shanghai. 

The Dubai Investment Fund manages about $320 billion in assets on behalf of its 7,300 clients in 61 countries. Since its founding in 2001, DIF has employed 920 people in financial positions. A full account of the investment fund’s history is available in English on its Web site. 

Last year, its operating income grew by AED 14.3 billion ($3.8 billion) in 2021, an increase of 27 percent over the previous year. The corporation’s total revenue was 180.7 billion dirhams ($49.2 billion), an increase of 4.25 percent over the previous year. The company’s year-end total assets were AED 1,184.6 billion ($322.2 billion) and total equity was AED 878.1 billion ($231.1 billion). 

The rapid expansion of the Dubai Investment Fund is a strong indication that the fund is constantly seeking new investment opportunities to diversify the risks of its portfolio. Given this expansion, as well as the creation of multiple departments dedicated to innovation and ESG investment, it is safe to assume that the Dubai Investment Fund (DIF) is also targeting its assets to capitalize on the potential of future technologies. 

Heather Stone on Empowering Women in Business, Helping Them Succeed

Women in business need to be celebrated and supported. This is what entrepreneur and motivational speaker Heather Stone believes. As an entrepreneur with years of experience, Heather wants to share her expertise and wisdom with other women looking for a female mentor in the business space. In building a supportive community for new and growing entrepreneurs, Heather aims to empower women and help them achieve their biggest dreams. 

Heather Stone has over 30 years of experience as a CEO, entrepreneur, mentor, and philanthropist. She was a former FinTech Executive before she and her husband sold their business. Her current project is an online community where new business owners can learn essential skills and grow as entrepreneurs. Heather’s latest offering to this community is “Unplug and Rejuvenate 2023,” a masterclass, workshop, and retreat all rolled into one event. She takes her insights from three decades of business experience and turns them into masterclass and workshop courses that help newcomers build confidence in themselves as entrepreneurs and pioneers. 

This business mogul is also the host of the Mentors and Moguls Podcast. Heather Stone invites CEOs, professional athletes, entrepreneurs, artists, and other private or public individuals to share their experiences and strategies for success. In each episode, she and her guests discuss different topics pertaining to business, development, growth, and creativity, all aimed at helping the audience get a closer look at the work that goes into every success story they hear. This show takes the conventional podcast and pushes it toward something greater by conducting interviews at unusual locations, such as while flying in a military fighter jet, on a cliff near Mt. Everest Base Camp, or in the stands at an F1 race.

Heather Stone also made it possible for more women and minorities to thrive in business by co-founding GameAbove Capital. This private investment fund invests primarily in women and minority-owned sustainable businesses. Through this fund, individuals passionate about business and creating environmentally sustainable products and services can get the funding and the support they need to catapult their business onto a larger stage.

Years ago, when she was only beginning her entrepreneurial journey, Heather Stone noticed a lack of female role models and mentors in the field of business. And while many women have already succeeded in business since then, Heather Stone still wanted to provide businesswomen with female mentors who can empathize with their experiences and give them mentorship and guidance as they grow and achieve their goals. “Women better understand what other women are going through, and I wanted to provide that space for a supportive community of women,” Heather said. “That’s why it’s important to me to have a tight-knit group of women entrepreneurs who can serve as mentors to the newer generation of entrepreneurs.”

It often seems like women have to overcome more barriers to success. However, Heather Stone and her efforts to tip the scale in favor of women in business show no signs of stopping or slowing down. Developing a growth mindset can start in small ways, such as her podcast episodes, motivational speaking engagements, or mentorship program. “We women are capable of anything we set our minds to,” Heather Stone said. “Growth happens when we step out of our comfort zones, and we need to push and get ourselves out there if we want to succeed.”

Preston Buhrmaster: 20-Year-Old CEO Educates Individuals to Become Investment-Savvy Entrepreneurs

Most people follow the traditional route to success—study diligently at school, land a job, earn a living. But there are some who are cut out for more than the regular. American entrepreneur and investor Preston Buhrmaster has been hustling since age 13, and he shows no signs of slowing down his pace as he juggles college and the CEO lifestyle.

Preston Buhrmaster is the founder and CEO of Venerated Capital Group (VCG) Trading, an institution that helps individuals achieve financial freedom by equipping them with skills and strategies, leading them to success. VCG Trading is dubbed as “The Investors Institution” because it has produced competent investors over the years, whether they are college students or seasoned working professionals.

Asked what his primary goal is for his students at VCG Trading, the 20-year-old CEO shared that he aims to develop every student into a confident and consistent trader, capable of obtaining the financially independent lifestyle they deserve. Preston Buhrmaster has changed the lives of many individuals coming from all walks of life through his company, and he finds fulfillment in knowing that his career is uplifting others along the process.

The expert specializes in providing the industry standards and practical knowledge his students can use to dominate the trading market. Under Preston Buhrmaster’s leadership, VCG Trading has become a “one-stop hub for all things investing.” As one who has made himself financially independent at age 20 through his countless ventures in ecommerce as well as investing, Preston also wants to show his students how to earn passive income and make their time and resources work for them, not the other way around. 

With his notable achievements, it came as no surprise for Preston Buhrmaster to have recognition from reputable organizations. His entrepreneurial success has also been featured on various platforms, including MarketWatch, Digital Journal, and Benzinga. Despite being in college still, Preston has achieved far more significantly than what others are struggling to reach. In the same way he has gone above and beyond what was expected of him, Preston also wants others to surpass the expectations they have set for themselves through trading education.

Before becoming the CEO of VCG Trading, Preston Buhrmaster had already proven that he had a knack for entrepreneurship. At 13, he founded an industry-leading sneaker bot company. The following year, Preston was a world-renowned sneaker and streetwear reseller, reaching over 200 clients across the globe. At 15, the entrepreneur ventured into launching his first start-up with VC through the Young Entrepreneurs Academy:YEA! At UAlbany, called Cordless Express, the product that revolutionized wireless charging pads and adapters for Apple. He was one of the pioneers in spreading the technology at the time.

Preston Buhrmaster also excelled in high school as the founder of an entrepreneurs’ club, inviting reputable guest speakers monthly for the club and other individuals interested in entrepreneurship. Additionally, Preston was also DECA club president and coached a recreational basketball team. At 17, he took another leap for his career as an intern at a local accounting firm, immersing in the “real-world” life of corporate America.

Preston Buhrmaster currently attends classes at Syracuse University, pursuing a degree in Finance and Accounting, with a minor in Economics. Besides entrepreneurship, Preston is also recognized as a TikTok influencer, building a community of followers and going viral almost overnight. He is also passionate about graphic design and web design. 

To learn more about Preston Buhrmaster, visit his Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn profiles.