How Digitalization is Changing the Marketing Industry

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Digitalization has changed how everyone lives their daily lives. It has affected every industry, from finance and medicine to education and marketing. Today, there are already virtual credit cards, three-dimensional imaging, and other new technologies. 

In the marketing industry, digitalization is also introducing new trends. This article highlights the latest trends marketers are seeing in their sector today.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

With the rise of digitalization, customers expect brands to keep up. They expect companies to offer exciting user experiences through advanced technologies.

Today, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are the latest trends that impact buying behaviour. 

Research shows that 61 percent of customers choose brands that use AR over those that do not. Additionally, 72 percent of buyers made unintentional purchases because of AR.

Adding VR and AR allows brands to make their online presence more personal and memorable. 

For example, fashion brands could use these techs to offer a 360-degree of their clothes. This strategy displays the quality of their products. 

Meanwhile, real estate agencies could host virtual tours using AR and VR. They can show a property, interact with customers, and save time.

Proactive Marketing

Timing is essential now more than ever when influencing a buying decision. If a customer is on the fence about buying, marketers must give them the last push they need to buy.

Automation combined with data analytics can track consumer behaviour. With digitalization, brands can check buying activities without requiring a human to supervise.

Data analysis allows brands to catch crucial customer feedback. This will enable them to react quickly and address every concern. 

Digitalization enables brands to send personalized responses once IT systems detect specific actions. 

This type of automation is now standard. Chatbots take on the role of basic customer support for simple tasks. These technologies improve marketing response and productivity.

Personalized Offerings

One myth about AI technology is that it can be impersonal. But, AI shows marketers the human side of their brand in several ways.

For example, wearable technologies are always “learning” about customers. Then, technology stores this data to provide personalized user experiences.

Today, big brands use AI to track user behaviours and purchases. Using the data, they display relevant product recommendations. 

Email and Social Media Advertising

Email and social media marketing have been around for quite a while now. But, as more brands go digital, more of them will rely heavily on digital platforms to market their products.

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to sell products and secure high ROIs. 

It allows brands to interact with customers in their inboxes. Today, email marketing is now automated and has personalized content.

The emails offer a more fluid and personal user experience. Customers can get emails that brands wrote for them at their convenience.

Meanwhile, social media marketing offers a practical way to interact with your audience. You can turn your customers into brand ambassadors by posting engaging content. 

Social media posts must be down-to-earth and casual. Most people on social media are young. So if it fits your company’s communication strategy, you can even use memes and emojis.

Interactive Content

Digitalization has had a significant impact on interactivity. Unlike traditional media, digital media gives people more options. They can choose what they consume, who to share it with, and how they consume it.

For instance, sites now give visitors the options to see how they want to view content. They can also control the order in which they wish to consume it. 

These are only some of the ways how digitalization is changing marketing today. Now that customers have more options, you need to ensure that buyers choose your brand.